Triggered messages for Telegram Messenger

Create chat bots for Telegram and send messages to bot users

If you have a Telegram chat bot add-on, you can also send triggered messages to the bot’s subscribers and build entire sequences of such messages.

The trigger for sending a message to a bot subscriber can be either his interaction with the bot, for example, clicking on a button, or an action on the website or a change in status in CRM.

Triggered messages in Telegram

The principle of setting up Telegram triggered messages is the same as for other types - you can read more about it in this article.

This is what configuring the content of a Telegram triggered message looks like:

You need to select the integration for sending a message (the desired Telegram bot) and enter the text of the message. You can add a picture, buttons, and also record a button click event.

Sending conditions in this type of message are configured similarly to other types of messages.

The message will be sent to the subscriber in a conversation with the Telegram bot that you selected in the message settings.

Sending sequence messages

If you want to create a sequence of several messages in Telegram, use the “Message sequences” section.

Here you can create multiple messages and set the conditions of sending for all of them. You can send a message after a specified time, on a certain day, or only after the desired event has occurred.

The general principle of setting up a sequence is described in this article.
You can combine several communication channels:

  • chat messages;
  • pop-ups;
  • emails;
  • Telegram messages

For example, you can create a lead nurturing sequence, offering a discount for subscribing to a Telegram bot after sending a pop-up. You can wait until the user subscribes, and then send a message with a promocode.


Triggered messages for Telegram are part of the Telegram Messenger chatbot add-on. The price depends on the number of messages you are going to send:

Number of messages
20 000$75
35 000$99
100 000$199
over 100 000specified upon request

To connect the add-on, please contact our support team.

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