This integration allows you to send the events done at your website visitors to various cloud services and create events and properties in Dashly with the help of
Zapier.Getting started
Sign in or create a new Zapier account. Find Dashly in the search bar or just open the
Dashly app.
You'll see Dashly Integration. Just press "Start using Dashly now!".

Here you'll see a short description of what Dashly with Zapier can do for your business. Press "Accept Invite & Build a Zap".
Now you can create your first Zap. Press "Make a Zap".
This is the first step of your Zap. When some event happens in Dashly, you can configure Zapier to make another event or record some information to properties in Dashly or in any other app.
Authorize in Dashly using Dashly authorization token (Auth Token). Press "Sign in to Dashly".

You'll need to enter the token in the opened window. You can find this token in the Settings section > Developers > Auth Token. You can copy the existing token or create a new one.
If the application is successfully authorized, the integration will be automatically created in Dashly.
Now you need to choose the event you want to cause your Zap to run.

Then Zapier will offer you to test your integration.
Important: Zapier will run a test to make sure that everything works correctly. Two objects will come to Zapier: a special test event and a lead card. In this case a lead is chosen randomly, it doesn't matter if they already had this event or not.
After the test is done, you can configure what is supposed to be done next. Don't forget that a zap has a principle "When something happens (the event that we already configured) - Do this".
Important terms in Zapier that you may face:
- Dashly UID - should contain Dashly UID or User ID. Don't forget that you can use User ID only when the authorization is configured;
- Operation - an operation that will be performed for every property that you specify in the Properties field;
- Properties - the list of properties you want to change for a Dashly visitor. Every property is a pair specified as key/value. Don't forget that system property keys are started from
; - By User ID - if you've put User ID value in the field "Dashly UID" instead of Dashly UID, then put "yes" in this field for us to know that the properties would be transferred by your User ID.