Triggered JavaScript

Triggered JavaScript message is aimed at running scripts in the user's browser if the user has met the sending conditions

This message type can help you with the following:

  • Send a pop-up with unique design;

  • Social media retargeting;

  • Tracking events in Google Analytics;

  • Inserting forms into your website.

Triggered JavaScript may help you achieve many other goals as well.

🔥 Configuration

Let's see how to configure a triggered JavaScript message: Go to the “Triggered messages” – “My messages” section and click the "Create new message" button. Select “JavaScript”  as the message type and then click on "Create a triggered message from scratch":

After that, you'll see a form for pasting your JavaScript code:

Enter your JS code here. It will work in the user's browser once they trigger it. You can configure other steps just like any other triggered message.

🔥 How to set statistics for triggered JavaScript messages?

If you’re creating JS pop-ups, you may face issues with recording the data on reading, answering and clicking links in the pop-up. How do you transfer this data? How do you make Dashly understand that a user read this particular pop-up or replied to it?

You can do it with a few lines of code.

Example: you have a pop-up with an email input field, it has "email" as its CSS selector for the email input field "link" as a CSS selector for the reply button.

Track "Message read" event:

In order to track the "Communication: Message read" event, add the following code into the code of the pop-up:

dashly.trackMessageInteraction('{{ sending_id }}', 'read');

Now, the "Communications: Message read" event will be recorded to the lead card once user reads your triggered JS pop-up, and metrics on reading it will be counted in the message statistics as well.

Track "Answered the message" event:

document.getElementById(“email”).onblur = function() { //Will cause the response event  after the lead has withdrawn the focus from the field

dashly.trackMessageInteraction('{{ sending_id }}', 'replied');


The "Communication: Answered the message" event will be recorded into the lead card once user responds to your triggered JS pop-up, and you will be able to check the response statistics in message statistics.

Add this code in order to track "Clicked on the link in the message" event:

document.getElementById(“link”).onclick = function() {

dashly.trackMessageInteraction('{{ sending_id }}', clicked);


"Communications: Clicked on the link in the message" event will be recorded in the lead card, you will be able to see this event in the message statistics.

Here is a pop-up example with "Message read", "Answered the message" and "Clicked on the link in the message" events added into it:

var str = '\
            #cq-popup {\
                width: 700px;\
                height: 350px;\
                z-index: 23;\
                left: calc(50%);\
                top: calc(50%);\
                position: fixed!important;\
                padding: 60px 40px 60px 40px;\
                background-repeat: no-repeat;  \
                background-position: right;\
                background-color: #fff;\
                font-family: Open Sans, sans-serif;\
                transform: translate(-50%, -50%) scale(1);\
            #cq-popup h3 {\
                font-size: 40px;\
                padding: 0;\
                width: 500px;\
                float: left;\
                text-align: left;\
                margin-bottom: 10px;\
            #cq-popup > div {\
                width: 500px;\
                font-size: 27px;\
                line-height: 36px;\
            #cq-popup-btclose {\
                text-decoration: none;\
                font-size: 29px;\
                position: absolute;\
                right: 10px;\
                top: 0px;\
            #cq-popup-bg {\
                cursor: pointer;\
                position: fixed;\
                top:0; \
                width: 100%; \
                height: 100%;\
                background: rgba(51,51,51,0.8);\
                z-index: 22;\
       <div id="cq-popup-bg"></div>\
            <div id="cq-popup">\
              <a id="cq-popup-btclose">×</a>\
              <div>Hello world!</div>\
              <a href="" id="cq-link">Link example</a>
              <input id="cq-popup-js-input" type="email" placeholder="ENTER YOUR EMAIL">
//Add pop-up to your page
var div = document.createElement('div');
div.innerHTML = str;
//Track message read event. "Communication: Message read" event will appear in lead card
dashly.trackMessageInteraction('{{ sending_id }}', 'read');
//Track message replied event. "Communication: Replied to the message" event will appear in lead card
document.getElementById(“cq-popup-js-input”).onblur = function() {
    dashly.trackMessageInteraction('{{ sending_id }}', 'replied');
//Track whether lead followed a link in the message
document.getElementById(“cq-link”).onclick = function() {
    dashly.trackMessageInteraction('{{ sending_id }}', clicked);
//Pop-up close function
document.getElementById('cq-popup-btclose').onclick = function () {

Click "Create and launch" if all settings are correct and if you want your JS pop-up to start working right now. Alternatively, you can just click "Create and launch later".

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