Active now

“Active now” section reflects visitors that are online on your website

Once the Dashly script is installed, you can access the “Active now” section to see everyone who is currently visiting your website. Here you will see anonymous visitors (whose personal information we don't have yet) and your leads (who had already left their personal information on the website). 

You will see the following:

  • user name (visitors are anonymous for now, their names are generated automatically);

  • the last session date;

  • the current page;

  • location (country, region, city);

  • first source;

  • time since the last message;

  • number of sessions.

Important! The visitor list does not update automatically. Reload the page or click the update icon (the two rotating arrows in the top left corner of the “Active now” section) to update it.

Anonymous visitor names

Dashly captures all visitors of your website. When Dashly doesn't have any information about a visitor (name or email) or there are no messages from them, they are recognized as anonymous. But not to show you boring names with a bunch of numbers on top, we've named every anonymous with their own unique name. These names are never mentioned in auto messages, nobody will see them except you and your teammates.

Anonymous name is composed of three words: attribute + color + object: Round brown cookie or Kind orange sandwich.



Communication with visitors

You can send a message to any visitor right from the “Active now” section. To do so, just click the message icon next to the visitor you want to send the message to:

This icon opens the message editor window. Then, choose the message type, enter your text and send it.

Visitor card

Сlicking a visitor's name will open their visitor card. It displays all available information about them (events they’ve done, name, phone number, location, UTM, etc.). 

The purpose of"Active now" section

  • See every website visitor online on your website

  • Trace visitors' path on your website to see whether they may be experiencing any issues navigating it

  • Find visitors who are currently on the last step of making their purchase and send them a message to provide your help completing it

  • Sell online and increase conversion rates by learning the background of your visitor

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